Renewed Frici bottles

2010 was a challenging year in the aspect of red wines but this was the year fit excellent to the bubbling ones so we made sparkling wines first time. Since the opening of Crocus Hotel and Mandula Restaurant we planned to have our own sparkling from Villány. 

We visioned a style similar to the Italian frizzante and when we were looking for a name we decided that the simplest solution will be the best and named it Frici. All of them are fresh and well drinkable. The basic wines are made by reductive technology then we add carbon dioxide and use a filter which is important to burst the harsh bubbles. This way we create a creamy but vigorous texture.

The concept is always the same: fresh, fruity and light both Rosé and White Fricis. The rosé is the blend of Merlot and Menoir since we felt that maybe Menoir would be too loud in itself. Its intensive flowery, rosy, rose-pepper character is supplemented by the kind fruitiness of Merlot. In the case of Frici White it is important not to be too fragrant, Királyleányka and Muscat Ottonel do not be too fulsome. Together with the rest varieties it must keep its elegance beside of the kind character.

When choosing the bottle and the label we visioned a youthful, vigorous picture and the first design reflected it wonderfully. But recently all of our wines were renewed and Gere design and Fricis changed too. We love it that the lightness remained which is characteristic to our sparkling wines. It was only amended by a little South-French, bohemian Côte d’Azur atmosphere.