Summer wines

In summer the cold, refreshing drinks feel good. Some drink champagne, some spritzer and some can not resign a glass of red wine even in the hot. In Gere portfolio everybody can find the favorite. Gere Frici There is no better in Summer than a glass of ice cold bubbly wine. Rosé and white Fricis…

New vintages of the winery

The new vintages are constantly coming and as we feel that a wine is perfect we label it that our customers can get it. In this year – beside our Syrah Selection – Solus and Attila changed vintage.  Syrah 2017 Konkoly-vineyard  We have 25 hectares of vines in Konkoly vineyard which can be found on…

Kopar pre-booking 2019

The pre-booking of the newest Kopar starts on 14th March and according to our plans lasts for 1 month. The 2016 vintage of this Bordaux style blend has less bottle so the pre-booking quantity is limited.  Based on the experiences of the previous years the wine lovers make a dart quickly on the wood boxes…

Renewed Frici bottles

2010 was a challenging year in the aspect of red wines but this was the year fit excellent to the bubbling ones so we made sparkling wines first time. Since the opening of Crocus Hotel and Mandula Restaurant we planned to have our own sparkling from Villány.  We visioned a style similar to the Italian…

Franc & Franc in Villány

Villány wine region organizes a two day long event in November 4th time. The main thematic is Villányi Franc.  In Villány premium red wines sold as Villányi Franc are made from year to year in excellent quality. So it is not a coincidence that this variety has a conference and a tasting day. The guest…

Vintage report 2018

In 2017/18 the tendency of the more and more extreme weather was experienced again. Due to organic farming we handled the obstacles well and harvested healthy, tasty grapes. Winter was milder than the many year average. The extreme frost on the 1st March damaged some of the early varieties in the deeper located areas. March…

The Kopár-vineyard

Kopar is one of the most prominent vineyards of Villány. It lies between Villány and Nagyharsány on the southern slopes of Szársomlyó-hill. It is one of the southest vineyards of Hungary where we harvest the bunches of the top wines of Gere Attila Winery.  In the old times many white varieties grew here mainly welschriesling…

Gere wines updated

A brand new look is introduced for the Gere wines heralding the next chapter in the winery’s the three decade long history. The name has also changed: the labels will indicate “A. Gere” referring both to the founder Attila Gere and his children Andrea and Attila. Beyond the changes in packaging the product structure has…

Let’s prepare for Easter!

In this year Easter holidays will be on the first days of April, so it is time to figure out what to place on the Easter table – after the Lent – and into the glasses. White and Rosé Frici 2017 The new vintages of white and rosé Fricis are perfect aperitifs. Cool them and…